A new study from Stanford University shows that this deteriorated intestinal flora can be inherited.
Mice who have been introduced to human intestinal bacteria have a compromised gut flora. But for the first generation of mice, it is enough to return to a high-fiber diet to restore the balance in the intestines.
After only four generations, however, the only way to restore the intestinal flora is to transplant bacteria.
Fibers are very important for human intestines, just as for mice, and since our own enzymes cannot break down fibers, symbiotic bacteria is needed to help us break down fibers.
Previous studies have shown that a low-fiber diet has a negative impact on gut bacteria, the results of this study can therefore contribute to our understanding of how diseases are linked to the gut flora.
Reference: Erica D. Sonnenburg et al. Diet-induced extinctions in the gut microbiota compound of Generations. DOI: 10.1038 / nature16504