Mapping of gene activity in T cells can provide an early detection of inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis, and allergies.
An international research team has developed a method for early detection of inflammatory diseases.
The scientists have studied changes in gene activity by certain white blood cells, the immune system cells, called T-cells. While investigating the activity in the T cells, they stumbled upon the fact that inflammatory signals can be seen very early by changes in T-cell activity.
They noticed the ability to detect inflammatory diseases, as they were able to detect multiple sclerosis and pollen allergy at a very early stage.
It remains to be seen if this newfound ability could be a useful method of early disease detection in the future.
Reference: M. Gustafsson, M. Benson et al., “A validated gene regulatory network and GWAS identifies early regulators of T cell Associated diseases” Science Translational Medicine on Nov. 11, 2015, DOI: 10.1126 / scitranslmed.aad2722